Monday, February 14, 2011

Where's Candace?

Has anyone seen Candace the traveling doll lately?
I had heard that she might have gotten misrouted and returned to a previous host but I haven't heard any word on her in quite some time.
It's Valentine's day and I would so love to know where she is.

Here's a link to the original post about her when she was leaving me last year for her adventures around the world.
You can also do a search on my blog by using the keyword Candace to catch up on some of her worldly adventures.
Happy Valentine's day Candace, wherever you are!


  1. Oh, no, where is she? Not on the isle of Skye, that's for sure!

    LOVED those Japanese letters, what a find & who knew?! Thought your 100 faces were fab, too.

  2. Candace come home!
    cuz you MUST visit New York City

  3. OMG! Whomever has her had better cough her up! I'm doing so much better and I was going to reissue my invitation for her to come to Las Vegas.

  4. That girl probably is off on her own adventure! She will turn up. Can't figure out hot to add photos so no posts from me...rain and damp, okay though...hope you had a good time inSC. Talk when I get back...xox corrine

  5. Oh!
    The last news I had about her
    is that she had arrived in Athens, Georgia, USA.
    Where is she?
    I'm worried ...

  6. Oh dear. I hope she resurfaces soon. Maybe if we all raised the ransom money.....?

  7. Kass,
    I thought that she was just mistakenly sent to you but if you don't have her I just don't know where she ended up!


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