Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Winners!

The first prize winner of the Madeleine Tin Ornament in my giveaway is Trudy Callan of Artistic Creations With Trudy who thoughtfully went through each post and commented on each and every one of them.

Because this was my first giveaway I hadn't realized the magnitude of what I was requiring. It didn't seem that it was that long ago that I had started up this blog and that it added up to so many entries. (pat, pat on the back to me! - my old blog fell by the wayside and into oblivion) Next time I won't have such a stringent requirement and hope that it will be easier and less work.

All current followers were entered into the second prize drawing of the box of Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels.


  1. congrats to the winners indeed!! debs will be so very happy, i can tell you that! i don't know trudy but imagine she is also ecstatic.

  2. Here I am! Yay - I actually won something? How cool! You are the best! Chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!! MMMMYummy! Alicia is right - I am so very, very happy!!

  3. Yes, these chocolates are like none other although you've probably never heard of Trader Joes's. They have wonderful snacks and gourmet foods at very affordable prices.
    You'll just need to send me a private message with your address. Can't guarantee they'll get there for Christmas though!


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