Sunday, December 27, 2009
Going Out To See the World
Just getting my last things together for our trip to Spain, France and Morocco and suddenly I think of things like bringing business cards. Of course I don't have any of that nice perforated cardstock specifically for business cards on hand so some nice lightweight paper, hand cut will have to do.
Then at the last minute I realize that I haven't thought of a suitable journal to bring. These days I'm thinking a simple wirebound pad isn't good enough after all of the wonderful altered art journals I've been perusing lately.
I've been amassing many weathered tomes but most of them have content that's too good to write over and I'm thinking that one that's more blank will be better. I found a red vinyl covered accounting book that was just a bit too utilitarian looking. If I cut the vinyl off I'd have some nice cardboard pieces to embellish underneath. Unfortunately I cut too much off and the cardboard wanted to fall out. Then I had a choice between red or silver duct tape. So the book regained the red background again but with a tad more funky texture. I found a nice vintage page from a children's book to dress it up.
I know it's fairly simplistic for an art journal but it will do in a pinch. Hopefully the interior will flourish with my entries.
With my husband's new Eee PC that he got for Christmas I won't have to lug my laptop around and hope to be able to blog some on the trip. I should have lots to show and share.!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Pretty Exalted Girl and Benign Girl
Kind of a funny Christmas this year. We're rather far from our family members and our local friends are out of town. We had our festivities already with a party over the weekend. My friend Rosalie surprised me with a gift of an antique porcelain doll head which was funny because she hadn't read my blog and and we were out of touch enough for her not to have any idea that I had begun collecting them. When I showed her the collection she then lavished me with several more pieces!
We took a jaunt out to our new property on a fine sunny day, exploring the nearby trashed out shack and found the most wonderful pile of partially painted and nicely rusted metal tiles that will make perfect little canvases for altered art pieces.
When I find myself in new places for the holidays I like to create new traditions. Last year
we had stopped in the border town of Douglas. My favorite thing is to go through the Mexican style dollar stores that have mariachi music blasting out on the sidewalks and throngs of people that have come over the border for their Christmas shopping. Two thirds of the license plates on the street seemed to be from Sonora. It was on our way home so I suggested that we stroll through again this year.
Rosalie and I got such a kick out of "Pretty Exalted Girl" doll that we each couldn't resist buying one.
The funny thing is that most of the goods are from China but they don't have the typical dollar store assortments. I just couldn't resist a couple of these 99 cent toys with their botched translation labels. I'm sure I'll find a use for the Mother Mary earrings in some project or another.
We finished our festive jaunt in the Saddle and Spur Tavern of the historic Gadsden Hotel.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Show Stoppers
Alternative to the Dollar Store
Wouldn't you trade cashmere and suede for these?
The Dolls of St. David
Dollar Store Dream
The Dolls of St. David
Dollar Store Dream
Ah, the dollar store. It promises too much. I hadn't run across them being isolated in Alaska where they haven't yet overrun. I think they tried a $1.50 store in Fairbanks but that kind of loses it's luster in it's disclosure. I remember being quite excited my first visit to a dollar store in the States but quickly have become disenchanted with the offerings. I'm wondering, do Europeans have Euro Stores now?
What I'd really like to talk about is my fantasy Dollar Store. I do believe I've found places that you can actually get a good deal for a dollar. I was perusing an antique store in Bisbee, Arizona and found a box or two in the dusty basement chock full of ephemera for a buck a piece. I practically needed a drool bucket nearby so as not to drench the precious papers. I allotted myself $30 or so. There were a few pieces that were less than pristine, wonderfully dog-eared actually so I took it upon myself to ask the owner if he would consider 50 cents a piece on some of them. To my delight he added up the whole bunch and gave them all to me for that!
Then the other day on our way to Tucson for a shopping trip we stopped in St. David, a quaint little Mormon town along the way. This is the shop that I found porcelain doll parts of different
sorts. Some quite patinated with dirt but others in fairly good shape. The clear glass head was definitely one of the best scores. the lady behind the counter wished that she had seen it first!
Also they had Lea & Perrins Worcestershire glass stoppers, some with a delicate dichroic patina and iridescence. Imagine, 3 for a dollar!
My other good score of the week was when a friend had given me a pile of clothes to go through. My friend Rosalie gifted me suede jackets and cashmere sweaters in abundance.
She told me that any I didn't want could go to the local thrift store for a credit exchange for future purchases. I held on to several pieces that might upgrade my wardrobe to the dressier standard that I expect to experience on our upcoming Spain trip. I kept the black suede jacket and several other cashmere pieces. I subscribe to a very informal, casual (maybe even ratty) Alaskan standard of dressing which means my dressing up translates to just a bit shabby by international standards. I mean I've seen gals in spike heels trotting about on cobblestone in places like Estonia, Latvia and Cuba. I'm flat-foot Crocs and Chaco sandals all the way.
Unfortunately I couldn't abide the fuchsia suede coat or the neon peachy cashmere sweater ( it brought out an awful tone of my skin) I marched down to Penny Lane thrift store here in Warren and traded for the most lovely old distressed door locks and door plates.
Now you're beginning to see where my priorities lie. Trading in suede and cashmere for vintage thingamajiggies!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
UFO's - Un Finished Objects
This is a reliquary of objects found on the nearby migrant trails close to my house. We're quite close to the Mexican border.
I got this bread box at the thrift store and I'm decoupaging images from an old social studies and a physics book. Needs a special knob I think.
I had been reading Altered Bits blog about her huge list of unfinished projects and had to analyze my own pile of unfinished projects.
As a lampworker/beadmaker I'm accustomed to quite short projects of under 30 minutes each although I usually dedicate an afternoon to the torch up to four hour stretches, max. I find I need to take a 10 to 30 minute break every hour as it is quite a focused sort of craft when actually torching. These breaks are the perfect time to have some ice tea on the patio or check in on my internet goings on.
Lately though it seems since my retirement and my snowbird seasons in Arizona I am incredibly drawn to the altered art and collage and working with found objects since there's such a wealth of resources for cool stuff either in thrift stores or on the ground as I rummage about. It was harder in Alaska as far as the easy fabulous finds go. People tend to hang on to their stuff and there just isn't the population base that you have in the States.
Since my retirement I have come to look upon my bead and jewelry designing business as my "real job" and my hobby is the assemblage/collecting/ altered art. In reality they are all melding together in a wonderful flow of expression for me.
The collage and decoupage projects are the ones that are tending to be in a state of evolving.....OK, OK, they're just not finished! Some I started last winter when we were here.
We were so inundated with visitors from the northland that wanted to taste our Arizona sunshine that my creativity took a back seat to entertaining. Oh, and then the little matter of my folks coming to visit and my father's heart attack and ensuing quadruple bypass on the last day of their visit. Actually one of the reasons I took an early retirement was to have more flexibility in caring for my aging parents. How convenient of them to have the crisis at my warm sunny Arizona abode rather than cold and wintry New England.
My friend PJ that's a member of the Bisbee Fiber Arts Guild says that they call the unfinished projects UFO's for Un-Finished-Objects.
Here are a few of my own UFO's-
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Beadness & Badness
Picking up pieces and scraps of glass and silver from the table
Nuggets with copper and silver reactive glass
December Focals
Somehow time slipped away between visitors and other projects and I realized that weeks have gone by since I had been in the glass studio. I had run out of oxygen and am lucky to have it conveniently an affordably delivered right to my studio. Well, several yards way from it anyway. I have to get my husband to place it up on it's perch next to the house. Those tanks are super heavy.
Nuggets with copper and silver reactive glass
December Focals
Somehow time slipped away between visitors and other projects and I realized that weeks have gone by since I had been in the glass studio. I had run out of oxygen and am lucky to have it conveniently an affordably delivered right to my studio. Well, several yards way from it anyway. I have to get my husband to place it up on it's perch next to the house. Those tanks are super heavy.
I finally have a day that I'm pumped up to get back in to make beads. Dave had hooked up the bottle for me, something that I'm accustomed to doing myself. When I open the tank there emits a strange clicking noise at the regulator that I've never heard before. It kind of freaks me out as I'm wary of oxygen bottles and the pressure behind them and I know enough to steer clear of the regulator when opening. it. Just to be sure I disconnect it all and re-hook it all up again.
I go into the studio and light up the torch. This time the weirdness is occurring at the torch head and I get blasts of air popping intermittently (or absence of oxygen, I'm not sure which)
definitely worrisome and it makes me wonder if it's my flashback arrestors activating which means there's explosions in the line being quelled or something like that.
I've got no one around to allay my fears about what's going on at this point so I have to quit the whole idea of making any beads until I get this sorted out. I'm not even exactly sure who to ask except perhaps the Car Quest guys that delivered the oxygen. I call them up and the guy that most likely knows anything about oxygen bottles or regulators is out for the next few days so I'm dead in the water as far as making beads. A good time to regroup and go thrift shopping!
It's only a couple of days later and we stop into Car Quest just in case someone may be able to help me figure out what's going on. Johnny, the man behind the counter was so helpful and reassured me that it sounded like it was in the regulator and had nothing to do with the flashback arrestors. He thought that it was diaphragm failure and that I was pregnant. (just seeing if you're paying attention!)
No, he actually thought that the diaphragm was sticking and that it just needed a good blast of pressure unlit with the torch open. He told me to kind of flush it out a couple of times this way and then try it. It worked and I'm back in business!
I used copper red and copper green Effetre glass as well as some bits of Double Helix and Kugler and Dali Lama TAG glass, all with reactive metallics that give more of the ethereal effects that I love so much. I only use these as embellishments and not as a base. at $80 a lb. I like to use them as surface applications to maximize usage for the most bang for the buck.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Winners!
The first prize winner of the Madeleine Tin Ornament in my giveaway is Trudy Callan of Artistic Creations With Trudy who thoughtfully went through each post and commented on each and every one of them.
Because this was my first giveaway I hadn't realized the magnitude of what I was requiring. It didn't seem that it was that long ago that I had started up this blog and that it added up to so many entries. (pat, pat on the back to me! - my old blog fell by the wayside and into oblivion) Next time I won't have such a stringent requirement and hope that it will be easier and less work.
All current followers were entered into the second prize drawing of the box of Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels.
I'm happy to announce that Debrina of Debrina's Altered Art Diary- Delectable Tidbits and Dreamy Vignettes from an Altered Art Queen and Mail Art Princess is the winner of the second prize.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
From My Brother's Travel Collection
Front Side
Back side
My artistic brother recently gifted me with a pile of his own ephemera dating back to the early 70's from his extensive travels. I decided that the fitting first project would be to gift it back to him in the form of a collaged/decoupaged tin. Tickets and stubs, decorative cigarette packages and a couple of his passport photos make up the front and a baggage claim ticket, airline ticket and security fee slip make up the back.
Image of Christmas Past
I was enjoying Altered Bits Blog about her collaboration on an art project with her young son.
Yesterday as we were trimming the tree I found this Santa Claus ornament that my young artistic son had made over 20 years ago and wanted to share it with you. It always makes me smile when I find it each year. I guess it qualifies as vintage since it's over 20 years old!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Christmas Give-Away from NuminosityBeads
I've decided to do a Christmas giveaway to help my little pinpoint of light in the blogoshpere to radiate outwards just a speck more and promote readership and involvement to spur me on to sharing ever more of my creative process. So it will become a literal sharing of my work if you are the lucky winner.
What I'd like to propose is that anyone that posts a comment on each of my posts thus far will be eligible for one of my Christmas ornaments similar to the ones in my last post. ( I have several more as well) If you become a follower you are also eligible for the second prize which is a box of Trader Joes's Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels. Current followers are already eligible for second prize.
Prizes will be randomly and fairly drawn from a hat by my unbiased and unbribable husband.
I will need to contact you for an address if you are a winner.
Drawing will take place on Dec 9th.
I've been holding on to these madeleine molds for awhile now. I was thinking along the lines of some Our Lady of Guadelupe shrines but instead I opted to make these Christmas ornaments.
The tins I picked up in an antique shop in Maine on one of my forays while visiting the folks.
They're nicely tarnished and bear the stamp Made in Germany. I had picked up a book at a thrift store with some great plates of reproductions of stained glass from the Chapel of Konigsfelden in Switzerland from the early fourteenth century. I allowed myself to cut up some of the smaller images. the larger plates I saved for reselling or bigger projects. I also had some Christmas cards that I had picked up at a thrift store here that I used. Now all I need to do to finish up is to put some hangers on them and they'll be ready to go.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Busy in Bisbee Beads
I've been back at my southern studio for a week now and since my husband took off for a road trip I have had free rein to structure my days completely. Or un-structure as the case may be.
It's nice to be able to enjoy the sunshine again and take walks as I was finding that my last month or so in Alaska I was making use of my time largely indoors. And while that allowed me to get quite a lot done in the creative realm I was finding my self getting less and less exercise. The wood fire was so cozy and everything I needed was at my fingertips right in the house or the Garaj Mahal.
So yes, sunshine and walks and a ride on my bike plus a re-entry to "Pure Torcher Studio" South. The oxygen tanks are quite affordable here and they even deliver them for FREE so I'm not using an oxygen concentrator as I do in Alaska. I've been putting in a couple of hours a day nearly every day since I've been back. I don't guess I'll ever be the type of lampworker that can put in more than a 4 hour stretch in a day. I find that my hands rebel and make funny clicking noises and then there's pain as well. That's my signal to go do something else for awhile or even take a few days off.
Being close to the Mexican border as we are I'm finding relics on the migrant trails nearby. While most of it consists of sunwashed and flattened backpacks and clothing and water bottles there are some interesting items as well. Colorful toothbrushes, rusted cans and Bibles are among the pieces I have been picking up. I'd like to do a reliquary with the more interesting objects. The pieces are starting to take a form on my table. I'm just at the beginning stages of this idea.
The best thing happened today. I already got the new scanner that I ordered on Friday. The scanner printer combination I picked up here last winter didn't hold a candle to my CanoScan back in Alaska. (HP) There was no way I could scan any 3D objects and the quality of the 2D was less than desirable as well. I've got a newer version now CanoScan 8800F and the two photos of beads here are my first scans with it.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
"Creative Handicrafts"
My last visit to the local thrift store netted me a 1938 book Called "Creative Handicrafts" by Mabel Reagh Hutchins which has the most basic overview of crafts from pottery to the art of dyeing. There are a few sweet illustrations but the most hilarious thing is an excerpt from the "Art of Dyeing" chapter.
After some pages of instructions on batik she includes some basic instructions on "Tie and Dye"
I quote... "This may be called the kindergarden class of batiks. It's a simple process---one really feels like an inmate of an institution for the feeble-minded while doing it---but affords much fun experimenting and many lovely effects may be obtained."
She obviously had never seen the complexities of shibori tie and dye!
My collection of rusty bottle caps is growing by day and I'm readying to create more bottle cap earrings.
Also my bamboo beads decoupage project is coming along nicely.
I'm spending a little bit of time down in the "Pure Torcher-South Studio" as I've just signed up for a local holiday bazaar at the Serbian Hall in Bisbee two weeks from now. I hope to have an array of goods since I've left the bulk of my inventory in Alaska.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Finds in My Old Collections
Now that I've relocated for the winter in the truest of snowbird style, quite literally following the cranes that fly over our Alaskan property to sunny Arizona, I've gotten to revisit my old stashes of ephemera and supplies. I had to split my collections so that I would have materials at my fingertips at each of my homes and studios.
There's a thrift store here that usually has some obscure usable paper goods. this time it was years of the publication "The Workbasket", a periodical of needle arts. Largely discarding the patterns for outdated tatting, crocheting and knitting, I'm choosing to use the wonderful advertising images to affix to some nicely smoothed flat bamboo beads that were once part of a placemat.
In addition to my old stashes, my brother just sent me a whole collection of his own travel ephemera and images from fireworks boxes, matchboxes and other packaging with great images from his travels to Bali, Mexico and points in between from over 30 years ago. (And he has great taste in these things)
My mother had allowed me to go through some of her mother's old picture albums to sort. I was making a new archival album since the old one was beginning to age and disintegrate. She admitted that some of the folks in the album meant nothing to her, therefore I was free to appropriate them to myself and my own purposes.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Put Another Blog On the Fire
A few last minute projects before I have it all put away or packed up. I feel rather bereft to have my tool bucket out of site but I had to see what would fit in my luggage. Somehow another suitcase has been added as so now I've decided to bring a few more books along and glues, mod podge and other similar products that I don't want to freeze and will restock next spring when I return. I may have to raid it again before Friday but for now I have the pleasure of fridge cleaning and other mundane tasks.
Today I'm going to be walking someone through the steps of listing on Etsy since I thought her design of paper dolls were so darling. I'll share more of her work later. We're still trying to come up with a shop name for her.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tale of Two Studios
So, imagine that you have your studio pretty much set up the way you like it and then you decide to enter the lifestyle known as snowbirding and you'll actually be living in two different places quite far away from each other, splitting the year. You'd find yourself pretty much having to double up on all of your supplies and equipment wouldn't you?
I can't feature spending half the year away from my "stuff" that I need to create. When we bought our house in Arizona I made sure that I had a space that I could set up another lampworking studio. Transporting a kiln back and forth wasn't an option and I didn't really want to trouble myself with shipping it either. That was one of the items I needed to double up on.
Because we were driving down the first year I was able to split most of my supplies in half and stock my studio up to at least have a good stash to begin with. My digital controller is a bit to spendy to double upon but luckily it's light enough to transport back and forth in my luggage. I sometimes wonder if the TSA folks are scratching their heads when they see a box with a digital readout going through. No problems yet! My presses are quite heavy and also not something I want to reinvest in so I'm finding that a flat rate box to ship them is most worthwhile. Some tools aren't so bulky so I'm bringing them back and forth as well.
A few things I'm going to have to live without such as my sewing machine which I'll dedicate to my northern projects. maybe I'll find a good deal on one this winter now that I'm back in sewing mode after many years of letting the machine gather dust.
I'm looking forward to revisiting some of my collections, supplies and ephemera that I left behind last April. It will be all new inspiration...again. My piles of rusty things are calling me as is the sunshine and warmth of my patio.
I can't feature spending half the year away from my "stuff" that I need to create. When we bought our house in Arizona I made sure that I had a space that I could set up another lampworking studio. Transporting a kiln back and forth wasn't an option and I didn't really want to trouble myself with shipping it either. That was one of the items I needed to double up on.
Because we were driving down the first year I was able to split most of my supplies in half and stock my studio up to at least have a good stash to begin with. My digital controller is a bit to spendy to double upon but luckily it's light enough to transport back and forth in my luggage. I sometimes wonder if the TSA folks are scratching their heads when they see a box with a digital readout going through. No problems yet! My presses are quite heavy and also not something I want to reinvest in so I'm finding that a flat rate box to ship them is most worthwhile. Some tools aren't so bulky so I'm bringing them back and forth as well.
A few things I'm going to have to live without such as my sewing machine which I'll dedicate to my northern projects. maybe I'll find a good deal on one this winter now that I'm back in sewing mode after many years of letting the machine gather dust.
I'm looking forward to revisiting some of my collections, supplies and ephemera that I left behind last April. It will be all new inspiration...again. My piles of rusty things are calling me as is the sunshine and warmth of my patio.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The missing photo
Numinosity Beads
Yes, My blog is named NuminosityBeads and I do indeed make lampwork beads as well as playing with these other mediums that I've posted on already.
I'm putting in my last few hours at the torch in the next week before we head south for the winter. I spent about an hour yesterday playing with some twisty cane that I had made. One of the "Hot Headed Honey's" from Anchorage had told me about a cane that she had learned in a workshop. I tried what I thought she had described but also added a bit of my own adaptation so I think it came out quite different in the end. I'm hoping to take a class from Michelle Waldren this winter and gain some more skill with the twizzler cane making.
I've also been trying to build up inventory in my series of "Element" nugget beads. Aurora Bead and Craft of Wasilla, AK (yes, that Wasilla) will be carrying the small nuggets now.
Just one last bazaar here before we leave at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks this weekend and I'll also be featured at our local First Friday event at The Magic Carpet Gallery of Global Goods on Friday evening, also in Fairbanks.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Seamster Room
This guest room in the Garaj Mahal quite often houses visiting field archaeologists. It was a huge disappointment to them this year when we told them it was no longer available for rent.
The housing in Delta Junction is sometimes marginal and my husband had the best deal going, good times, open space and quite often lively parties. Along comes crafty wife and it comes to a screeching halt.
You see after the wedding I still had to finish out my DOT job 100 miles away in Fairbanks and wasn't able to move in with him right away. So this summer we needed to set up the new studio and somehow I've managed to lay claim to yet another room where the sewing machine resides.
I've found that if you need to take out a sewing machine every time you need one it just won't get used. Now it has a place and we've kept two small beds in the room for guests. The bed didn't make for a very good cutting surface so I've added a 6 foot table now.
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