I got out my gold leaf the other day for a little bit of holiday flash. I'm pretty pleased with the results on these opalescent headpins.
Extra long brass wires on these blingy transparent leaf headpins
Goldstone latticino limpet bead caps with metallic edges.
see how they match my prop shell
I was experimenting with layered headpins. The second one just didn't behave so I flattened and twisted it. Makes even a more interesting set and I know you guys aren't afraid of mismatched!
I might have shown these before but they are merchandise now.
In my Etsy shop
I decided to finally list some of these Numi- Petra combos
( that's ScorchedEarthOnEtsy who makes these ceramic spikes)
Butter criffles 'n' spikes
Blueberry, Cranberry - Alaskan inspired criffles
Mmmm, lookit that pale green!
Orphan assortments in the shop. lots of them!
asymmetrical crusty large whorls
( rust not included. I find such great things on my walks around this high desert town)
A great focal. If you don't want this, I do!
It's been a great year in ye olde numinositye shoppe and many thanks to you all that keep me going.
I know I've fallen off on blogging and following partly because I've been so dang busy in the studio keeping my shop stocked. Also I became a guest blogger over on LoveMyArtJewelry Blog twice a month and I guess I don't have so many blog blathers in me to overflow into my own.
So if you want to see what I've written there you just need to head over on the first and last Thursday of every month. There are new posts there every day from many talented artists with a wealth of skills to share.
I just did a post this week about murrini and millefiore cane.
Check it out here.
And now for some potatoes that my son illustrated to send you on your way.